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Carrboro to Durham Transit Service Begins Monday, August 8

Carrboro residents will have weekday transit service to Durham beginning on Monday, August 8th.
“We’re pleased to offer this service that meets a need we’ve heard from Carrboro residents,” said GoTriangle General Manager Jeff Mann. “By extending our former Chapel Hill to Durham route in the busy 15-501 corridor, we’ll give passengers an efficient one seat ride from Carrboro to downtown Chapel Hill, Duke, the VA and downtown Durham.”
The fare is $2.25 one way. The route will run in weekday peak hours.
“The Town of Carrboro is excited to have GoTriangle expand this regional route into our walkable, bikable, transit friendly town,” said Mayor Lydia Lavelle. “The route will serve residents who can now travel more easily to Durham, and visitors who will have greater access to our town. This new service supports our values around public transportation, including increased accessibility for all residents while reducing our greenhouse gas emissions.”
Morning service from Carrboro to Durham begins at 5:45 A.M. and will serve these stops:

  • Jones Ferry at Collins Crossing
  • East Main St. at Weaver St. Realty
  • E. Franklin St. at the Carolina Coffee Shop
  • Erwin Rd. at Duke
  • Durham Station

Afternoon service from Durham to Carrboro begins at 3:30 P.M. and will serve these stops:

  • Durham Station Erwin Rd. at VA Hospital
  • E. Franklin St. at the Varsity Theatre
  • E. Main St. at Jade Palace
  • Jones Ferry at Alabama Ave.

The full schedule can be found here. The first full year of service will cost an estimated $650,000 and will be paid with funds from the voter approved local sales tax and vehicle registration revenues for bus improvements and the Durham-Orange Light Rail Transit Project.
Learn more at: or 919-485-RIDE. GoTriangle improves our region’s quality of life by connecting people and places with safe, reliable, and easy to use travel choices.