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Residential Outreach

GoTriangle TDM Partners are focused on ensuring the entire community affected by population growth, land use issues and their associated parking demand are aware of options to save money on auto travel, parking and the stress of commuting in traffic.  GoTriangle can help! 

Whether you live in a downtown area, in a neighborhood or apartment complex, we have the information you need to make informed decisions about travel and commuting in the Triangle.  We can help you find ways and routes to not only get to and from work, but for errands, school, and throughout the day for personal and weekend travel in and around the community. 

Think about those trips that you might be willing or able to substitute a drive alone commute with transit, ride-sharing and perhaps biking or walking to get where you need to go, feel better and get outside a little more. 

Your individual travel choices, even if a few times a week, are instrumental in affecting change throughout our communities.  Alternate and sustainable commute modes, regardless of the purpose, will help to reduce traffic congestion and improve mobility in and between Triangle counties, and even help to improve our health through active commuting.  Try it, you’ll like it!

Contact a TDM Outreach Representative in your area for more information.